Thursday, February 1, 2018


PART I: Diversity IS Racism!

"Diversity" IS racism!

Let's assume (because it's true) that each "race" or ethnic breed of human is simply the result of different families growing up in different geographical areas, where different traits were needed to survive: in the hot lands where food was plentiful, being lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous was the key to survival. Laziness was a bonus because of over-heating, and patience was needed both for fishing and for hunting (which mostly involved falling asleep near the local watering-hole, and waiting for animals to come down for a drink anyway). Impulsiveness was needed for when on occasion a snake or panther would drop out of the trees to eat one - since fighting wasn't an option, running away and hoping they'd eat the slower members of one's family (even if one's own offspring had to be abandoned without further thought) was the only logical survival response. And since those problems existed, but so did copious amounts of food, being promiscuous and winning the survival game by creating and abandoning offspring was the way to win with quantity over quality.

Compare that to the cold lands, where food (and natural animal enemies) were scarce - in such a place, being lazy, impulsive, and promiscuous wouldn't work, and would in fact get one killed off pretty quick. There, one needed to plan ahead, save up food, and limit the number of mouths one had to feed.

So today, pretending these different sorts of families are all the same, and so should all be brought together into one big happy lump, to breed out the differences, (because it would be mean not to) will have only one result: the larger, lazier, more impulsive and promiscuous family will dilute the smaller, smarter one into nonexistence - which result seems to be the libertine criminals' intended plan anyway.

(Because, to them, smart slaves are BAD slaves)!

But if the self-styled master "Elites" were them selves a bit smarter and less short-sighted, they'd realize that only the smarter families had been forced by their own survival circumstances to learn how to manipulate their own environments, rather than have their environments continue to rule them. Only they are capable of adapting to new conditions and stresses, of scrupulously learning to understand how to repair old things and invent new things.

Only they are naturally endowed with the potential foresight to be capable of managing their estates on this planet.

Diluting and destroying their own brethren in order to have only dumb servile slaves left - is quite dumb, too.


PART II: Political Science - For Real!

Politics is binary: the party of rational Fear (Conservatives) vs the party of delinquent Hope (Libertines).

The easiest way to Submit to one's own fear AS an external threat, in stead of as a helpful internal warning, (aka thinking) is to ignore it.
Pretend it doesn't exist, or it's too difficult and complex for anyone to ever really be able to understand causes and effects anyway.
Barring that, pretend the harmless warning is the real threat; shoot the messenger, and "fight" the Fear AS another form of Pain!

That's what defines "Psycho-Paths" (which is literally translated from the Greek as "Mind" or "Thought-Killers")!

So delinquent criminally negligent libertines pretend Hope is a Plan, ignoring details and covertly giving in to their fears BY ignoring them, and so also masochistically pretending to "control" their own fears, BY causing those very same, worst-case scenario problems which cause the damages and pains they fear the most - automatically, if only tacitly and 'subconsciously' (implicitly) Submitting in their cowardice to the notion that SINCE something could go wrong, SO it WILL go wrong, and in fact since it IS going wrong RIGHT NOW, they have to either instantly compromise with or Submit to it - in stead of, you know, have to go through that painful "thinking" process stuff, to actually try to avoid or prevent the damage and pain. They pretend to think that since fear causes additional pain, they will shrewdly, realistically simply cancel that additional pain (compromise with reality) caused by the fear, by allowing the pain to happen! Submit to the will of allah!

And naturally, the libertines pretend the rational Conservatives are "fear-mongers" who start wars just to cause more fear, while it's also patently obvious that they are the ones who do so, and only "project" their slanders)!

Further, these two divergent and opposing political "cultures" (social educations) have evolved "traditionally" from the different families of peoples who evolved in the South and East, and the North and West, respectively!

Those who have been forced to survive by adapting traits of lazy, impulsive and promiscuous behaviours, natually embrace Hope as a Plan, (and why not, when food is plentiful, and over-thinking things limits the impulse to run away from present dangers, and the survival game of out-breeding one's natural enemies is unhindered by lack of food) while those who had to survive by adopting forwards-thinking and sacrificing today for tomorrow, have had to naturally pay heed to and learn from their own Fears (which is also known as "thinking" and planning ahead) before they could earn hope by fixing the mistakes and solving the problems which caused the fearsome pain-causing damage!

Not that those who came up with the fatalistic and subjectivist, us-vs-them and might-makes-right tribal cultures cannot also learn from the more enlightened, objectively cooperative cultures developed by the smarter families.


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