Monday, February 23, 2015

Islam Exposed: Deliaring the Violent Extremism Summit Statement

Islam Exposed: Deliaring the Violent Extremism Summit Statement: Deliaring the Violent Extremism Summit Statement

In reading  The White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism Ministerial Meeting Statement, I found a target rich spew of camel excrement.  This post is dedicated to exposing two chunks of turd which can not be ignored. 

Camel excrement!

  • [...]"the term “violent extremism” like “terrorism,” should not be associated with any religion"[...]

  • [...]"deprive radical groups and individuals of any justification for violent extremism on the grounds of ethno-religious stigmatization and discrimination."

    "Violent extremism" is used as a euphemism for terrorism because they are trying to insulate Islam from its consequences. Denial of terrorism's association with Islam flows from a boiler plate statement found in many United Nazi resolutions. 

A/RES/69/174 passed by the U.N. General Assembly December 18 '14 trots out the well worn boiler plate expressions combating 
"stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief ". 

Reaffirming that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group,

    When we hear of an act of terrorism, we automatically think of Islam because since 09/11/'01. we have heard "Allaha Akbar"  too many times Muslims shout the Takbir when they slaugter hadi as well as when the slit captive throats. They sacrifice victims to Satan. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed boasted that they acted in service to Allah, as an act of worship in accord with the doctrines enshrined in the Qur'an. Mohammad Atta ordered the hijackers to shout the Takbir because it strikes fear. 

    The Motoons were cited as justification for riots. "Fitna" was condemned by the Secretary General of the United Nazis as hate speech inciting violence. "The Innocence of Muslims" was blamed, unjustly, for the Benghazi Massacre.  

    The root cause of Islamic terrorism is Islamic doctrine: 3:151,8:12,39,57,60,65,679:5,29,3839,111,120,12333:26,27,47:4,49:1559:2,13, 61:10-13; Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220. 

    Exposure of the fatal facts of Islam can not justify terror attacks. Eliminating Islam is neccesary to put an end to Islamic terror attacks because they are motivated by belief in Allah's imperatives, threat & promise. Go to war and go to paradise; sit at home and burn in Hell.  The attcks continue until Muslims cease believing and apostatize. 

    The first amendment's free speech clause secures our right to free and open discussion of public issues, including attacks and infiltration by inimical ideologies disguised as religions. We can not and must not tolerate infringement of that right!  

    HRC RES 16/18, cited in the statement, must be resisted because its intent is to silence critics of Islam. It is an unconstitutional infringement on  our liberty.

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